
Celebrating National Rural Health Day

Today on National Rural Health Day, we would like to take a moment to recognize and celebrate Rural Health Clinics (RHC), the essential providers serving rural, underserved areas that often experience a shortage of primary care providers and/or health services.  RHCs were originally formed via the Rural Health Clinic Services Act, passed in 1977, which … Continued

Go With The Flow: Setting Up Vaccine Clinic Stations

When looking to increase efficiency in any task, standard logic is to lean towards as few steps as possible. Vaccination clinics, believe it or not, go against that logic, according to practices with a track record of successful clinics. Their recommendation: Break the patient journey into discrete “stations.” Organizing a clinic around small tasks works … Continued

No-Cost Vaccines:
How It Works

When you’re keeping an eye on your practice’s bottom line, the idea of never paying a vaccine manufacturer’s invoice again probably sounds very appealing. We understand a claim like this can sound too good to be true, but here’s the truth: VaxCare is the first company in the world to actually deliver no-cost vaccines. We’re … Continued

The Importance of Immediate Access To The Full Spectrum of Contraception

As dedicated physicians, our foremost objective is to deliver care that is not only comprehensive but also thoughtfully tailored to each patient. Within the sphere of reproductive health, this translates to providing access to a complete range of contraceptive options, carefully customized to align with each patient’s distinct needs and preferences. Our commitment enables patients … Continued

How To Run A Successful Vaccination Clinic

Why Host a Flu Clinic? Vaccination clinics are more than just an efficient way to immunize large numbers of patients at one time. They’re also a way to establish your practice as a go-to partner in the overall health and well-being of your community. Discover how easy it can be to conduct a flu clinic … Continued

The Details Count: Setting Bill Rates & Managing Reimbursement

For patients, a vaccine takes just a moment. But for practices, myriad administrative tasks surround that administration that can take considerable time and energy to complete. Getting those tasks right keeps your program running smoothly and revenue coming in. But with so many steps along the way and so many players involved, it’s easy to … Continued