the way you

VaxCare simplifies your vaccine program, making vaccines easy, efficient, and cost-free for practices of all sizes.

Let us quickly answer your questions about how VaxCare can transform your vaccine program at no cost.

Schedule a quick 15-min call today!

All the vaccines you need without the cost or capital investment.

  • No-cost inventory and returned capital on all products.
  • End-to-end tracking on every dose reducing loss and leakage.
  • Automatic billing on every administration.


A simple, standard process that reduces staff work.

  • One scan connects it all, fully automating the entire process.
  • Bi-directional EHR integration to eliminate work and errors.
  • Automated inventory management.


Improved outcomes for your entire patient population.

  • All ACIP products available including new products like RSV for pregnant people.
  • A complete VFC solution that supports commercial and Medicaid patients.
  • Real-time safety checks ensure the right patient gets the right dose.



Largest Primary Care
Vaccinator Network


Vaccines Administered
Annually Through VaxCare


Servicing Over
17,000+ Providers

Our Features

Immediate impact at no-cost and without risk.

Go it Alone
With VaxCare

No Capital Investment

Automated Vaccine Management & Ordering

Reduced Inventory Loss

Point of Care Patient Safety Checks

Reduced Staff Work

Improved Vaccination Rates

No Risk to Sign-Up


Ready to learn more?