Building better
paths to care.

Learn more about how we’re bringing ease
and efficiency to practices across the country.


We care for care providers.

We're a multi-disciplinary team of vaccine experts, engineers, designers, and big-picture thinkers dedicated to solving the problems faced by today's healthcare practices and staff.

We founded VaxCare over 10 years ago with the idea that healthcare workers deserved more from their job: more ease, more confidence, more time. And so we started working to transform the complicated, expensive process of managing a vaccine program into something simple, intuitive—even delightful.

By offering relief for the headaches in our healthcare system, we work towards our vision: every person, fully vaccinated.


A brief history of VaxCare.

Modest Beginnings

We started small, setting up on-site flu clinics in senior communities around Central Florida and navigating the maddeningly complicated logistics ourselves. When a local firehouse requested a similar setup—suggesting they’d handle administrations if we did the rest—a classic “ah ha!” moment followed.

We realized that by focusing on our area of expertise (vaccine logistics), we could not only drive vaccination compliance, but help health professionals focus on what they do best (providing care). VaxCare was born.

Opportunity Knocks

After toiling away at flu clinics for a few years, we received a surprise call from the Indiana State Department of Health, asking if we might do for them what we'd done for our neighbors. This was an inflection point for our humble operation, opening the door to an increased footprint and expanded services.

Soon, new partnerships with manufacturers allowed us to offer all available vaccines to our partners, turning our little flu stations into VaxStations. We also launched our first Patient Eligibility Portal, bringing a new level of efficient digital infrastructure to our vaccine logistics platform.

Leveling Up

VaxCare was growing fast. To better serve our flourishing partnerships, we beefed up our Customer Care, Product, and Design staff by 400%. We began a major transition, from raw service provider to technology company.

We introduced the centerpiece of our platform: the VaxCare Hub, a purpose-built console designed to manage the entire vaccination process with a single barcode scan. No-cost vaccines, automatic billing, inventory replenishment, EHR integrations—everything VaxCare has become known for today started right here.

The Future of Care

After more than a decade of hard work and nonstop learning, VaxCare has grown beyond our wildest dreams, partnering with over 5,000 providers and becoming one of the Top 10 buyers-and-billers of vaccines in the nation.

We're starting 2020 off with a new-and-improved Hub, a sharp new visual brand that aligns with our values, and a new suite of initiatives and products to combat the spread of COVID-19. This year has been a challenging one for so many, and we're doubly committed to making vaccinations simple and accessible for practices and patients—for the next decade and beyond.


We live (and work)
by our values.


(The Art of Care)

It’s part of our name for a reason: we truly care for every member of our team, as well as their loved ones. This means nurturing and providing for each team member, so they can grow professionally and personally. If we get it right, they pass that care on to their families, their communities, and our partners.


Belief in Something
Bigger than Ourselves

It shows up differently for each of us: the capacity to derive meaning from a larger purpose. Whatever shape it takes—an idea, a community, a higher purpose–it motivates and drives us, a source of strength and direction beyond ourselves.


Humility as a
Posture of Learning

We are learning animals, approaching each new challenge with a burning curiosity and a humble posture. This means collaboration, process, and setting ego and pride of authorship aside in the relentless pursuit of the best solution.


Adaptability &
Embracing Change

Our ceaseless desire to innovate requires that we are nimble to the core, ready to seize opportunities wherever and whenever they arise. The only constant at VaxCare is change—and our own capacity to turn could-have-beens into once-in-a-lifetime moments.


We want to work with you!

Our team is growing! We're on the lookout for passionate, creative, humble people looking to make a difference in sales, product development, design, and more.